City of Refuge Camp and Agricultural Project
Due to the current global situation caused by the pandemic, the quality of life has diminished greatly for most Panamanians. Loss of income due to businesses closing because of draconian measures taken by the government has left many in dire straights One of the visions of Missio Dei Houston, Missio Dei Panama, and ICAP (Iglesia Cristiana Anglicana de Panama) is to create the City of Refuge, (COR)
We have plans to Partner with Anglican churches in the U.S and with local builders building our city of refuge Christian camp and agricultural project on donated land in the small town of Salamanca.
This camp will be used to house church events and will also be used to help house migrants who find themselves stranded in Panama.
Our Agricultural vision is to create a model of “giving multiplication” with small businesses that will produce the resources necessary with the goal to achieve self-reliance for families and individuals connected to our churches in Panama. We hope that through this method, our community can become more self-sufficient in their work to care for those who have no hope.​